Is Tom Hodgson a white supremacist?
If not, he would have resigned from this ugly crew of satin sheets and brown shirts long ago

Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson is a member of the National Board of Advisors of the Federation for American Immigration Reform. FAIR was founded by John Tanton, a white supremacist, and a majority of its advisory board are also white supremacists, Islamophobes, homophobes, racists, and conspiracy theorists. Here are a few of the people Hodgson rubs elbows with at board meetings:
Lou Barletta, former mayor of Hazelton, PA who signed anti-immigration legislation in 2006 that was declared illegal a year later;
Sharon Barnes, clearly no DACA lover, who wrote: "It is our country. They and their parents need to be kicked out [...] strengthen our laws and get rid of the locusts;"
Gerda Bikales, who regards Spanish as a ghetto language: "I don't think Yiddish or Italian represented a threat to the union. But we are now setting ourselves up for an entrenched language ghetto;"
William Chip, who wants to repeal the 14th Amendment;
Donald A.Collins, who contributes to the white nationalist journal VDARE;
Dino Drudi, another Massachusetts zealot who has written for VDARE;
Don Feder, a Muslim-basher who thinks US troops should have "shoot-to-kill" orders on the Southern border;
Robert Gillespie, a proponent of population control — not for white Christians but in developing countries;
Joseph Guzzardi, a member of VDARE's "editorial collective;"
Carol Joyal, who wrote a review of The Camp of the Saints calling it a "prophecy" of Third World destruction of the West while everyone else just called it racist;
Richard Lamm, former Colorado governor who said that "new cultures" in the U.S. are "diluting what we are and who we are;"
K.C. McAlpin, an Islamophobe who wants to ban Muslims for ideological reasons: "Congress has used that power in the past to ban the immigration of Communist Party and National Socialist (Nazi) party members who were deemed to be threats to our national security. This case is no different;"
Scott McConnell, another VDARE author, Executive Director at Lifeway Research ("be ready when homosexuality devastates"), and a member of the Family Research Council;
Paul Nachman, a Montana white supremacist who writes for VDARE who calls refugees "good liars" and questions the existence of "moderate Muslims;"
Robert D. Park, founder of the "Article IV - Section 4 Foundation," a group which maintains that government has abdicated its responsibility to uphold a Constitutional clause requiring it to defend the U.S. from "invasion;"
Randy Pullen, former chairman of the Arizona GOP and self-appointed expert on black crime: "Yes black lives matter. The best way to end the slaughter of young black men is to take guns away from blacks as they are the main killers;"
John Philip Sousa IV, great grandson of the famous Sousa, a Birther, and friend of Joe Arpaio;
Alan N. Weeden, whose family owns the Weeden Foundation, major donor to white supremacist initiatives, and proponent of Secure ID, a national identification system.