Unless they have a candidate in mind who can beat King Donald I, they are enabling the defeat of our democracy.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Author

This would be a "democracy" that participates in a genocide, which has a Supreme Court that just created an Imperial Presidency and is accountable only to itself, a Senate that doesn't represent the people, an Electoral College that determines the President increasingly in contrast to the popular vote, and two parties that offer no substantial difference to vote on? THAT democracy?

I think Democrats have to abandon the habit of blaming voters for rejecting candidates not enough voters want and then trying to shame them into voting for them by calling them irresponsible. The Dems are the irresponsible party that could have made a decision to replace Biden 1 or 2 years ago, and Biden could have made the decision NOT to alienate his young, Black, and Muslim voters by running two foreign wars simultaneously, one of them involving genocide.

All this is to say: don't blame the Muslims who don't like it when Israel murders their relatives with bombs Biden has given them.

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The combination of your anger and your naïveté surprises me. Blame is easy. I have no problem blaming Biden and the Dems. But if you think that there's going to be another candidate to unite the people, you're living in Lala Land. If you think that any of us is going to survive the regime of King Donald I, you're living in a fantasy. I'm almost at the end of reading In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez. I'd love to hear what you think of it. Even though I knew a little about Trujillo before, it's clear from this piece of fiction the extent to which dictators enslave the entire population. We need to work on coming up with slates of viable candidates for the future, not relying on pipe dreams that won't get us through the present.

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I know we disagree, but you somewhat insultingly attribute my views to insanity, anger or detachment from reality, while my views are actually based on simply observing the last half century of liberals tacking to the right. Liberals are fixated on "viable" candidates, and what has that bought them? Clinton? Clinton 2? Biden? "Viable" does not mean electable or even appetizing. Registered Democrats are down to 21% of registered voters. There's a reason for this. Democrats need to do some soul-searching.

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I apologize if my comment felt insulting. While we disagree on some things, I'm pretty sure that we agree on many others. I think that we both want to see our country moving towards "a more perfect union," a process that has been happening all too slowly. But in this instance, my alarm and frustration come from everyone who is calling for Joe Biden to step down without at least offering a plan to move from that first step to the last step of winning the 2024 elections. Until someone does, I'll support Biden with all of his imperfections.

Do you have a plan? What does it entail? Every time I read or hear someone espousing an open convention, I know that they have no idea of the chaos that would ensue. I can't imagine that it would end with a viable ticket, and yes, in this instance, defeating Trump is my main, probably my only consideration. I can imagine trusted family and advisers prevailing on Biden to step down, but only if they've come up with a winning ticket to take his place, a ticket that he would endorse, a ticket of people who have stepped up to say that they'd be willing to run in order to unite the country. Who might that be? I don't know. I can think of a lot of people I'd cross off the list, but coming up with two qualified people who would accept the burdens of being prez and veep, not salivating over the perks or the power, is a daunting task.

Yes, we Dems need to do not just some soul-searching, but a profound examination of what we stand for and how we can encourage people who share those values to go into public service, words that I don't use lightly. However, I'm not enough of an optimist to imagine that we can accomplish this task in time to win in November. I am, unfortunately, enough of a pessimist to fear that if we don't keep Trump out of power, it will be unimaginably harder for us to do both the short- and long-term work to clean up our own house. On this 4th of July, I'm not ready to step back and watch the shredding of our democracy continue at a rapidly increasing rate.

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