
I was with you up to the last two paragraphs. I agree that a truly non-externally influenced Palastinian authority would be the best (and possibly the only) way to begin the process, HOWEVER it must be a process that results in a two-state solution. Otherwise all people in Isreal/Palastine will obliterate one another. I am not convinced that two countries where there is now one will be possible, but there is no other reasonable answer.

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deletedJun 17
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I am not an international diplomat, so I cannot say "precisely" how such a thing would come to be. I do admit to being a Democrat however and as such I am looking for a way that such a thing could come to pass. If I were negotiating, I would want;

1) Two TOTALLY autonomous countries

2) YES, each with the ability to defend themselves

3) I have no idea where the country of Palestine would be, but let's start with the West Bank. Israeli settlements in the new country of Palestine would belong to Palestine.

4) As with the division of India/Pakistan, those who want to leave whichever country should be allowed to do so. This will be messy, but continued death is worse

5) I seriously doubt that the parties would like my negotiating points but I await a better solution. From what I can tell Hamas just whines about inequities and has NO interest in doing anything the Palestinian people want or need. Seemingly NO rising up by the masses against this and NO support by any other Arab country. Weren't all the Palestinians supposed to live in Transjordan?

I do not believe there is an easy path here, but a "one state" solution means literal annialation of a people and I am NOT for that.

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