Pres. Biden is not 'participating' in a genocide, he is trying to stop one and surely 'women and minorities' are not in the crosshairs of any Democratic Party efforts. Immigration and foreign policy "choices" are more complex than I can truly understand. The plan worked out by Sen.s Lankford, Sinema and ___________ (Conn.) would have made a difference, but Mr. Trump (not a member of the U.S. Senate) put an end to that. The resulting 'boarder' situation was KILLING Pres. Biden in the polls and likely will cost him the election. Democrats (all the ones I am aware of) are trying to shore-up DEI programs, I have done quite a lot of it myself. Mr. Trump has made it quite clear that his election will put and end to ALL of them. I am glad you gave it an honest try (and we would love to have yopu back), but the choice on Nov. 5 could not be more clear. That withstanding, the latest Silver Modle has us loosing, that will just make everything ducky . . . .

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I am curious as to 'dissing' liberals and 'dissing' the MAGA-right, leaves us with who exactly to accomplish anything. I know we are all living in complex transition times in the post-industrial world, but there are lots of people trying to do the right thing with the climate crisis, continued suppression of women and minorities, intolerance and hatred. Who would you have us do it with THAT WOULD HAVE A CHANCE OF BEING EFFECTIVE ?

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Biden's participation in a genocide doesn't do much for women and minorities. Neither does his continuation of Trump's immigration and foreign policy choices. Democrats are working with their MAGA pals in a new wave of McCarthyite repression of protesters and the dismantling of DEI programs at universities. If both parties do so much that's the same, why should we NOT call for a break from them? There are, to be sure, a few good Democrats (you being one), but as we just saw, the Democratic Party is all too willing to throw its progressives under the bus. In my experience -- and I *did* give it an honest try -- the Democratic Party doesn't know what to do with the Left. It's clear to both Party centrists and the Left that we belong somewhere else.

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When did Raskin become a liberal?

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